Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
Jan 7, 2022
21 min read
1.) Neu5Gc is found only in animal meat. Neu5Gc appears to have a strong link to cancer and heart disease.
Notes: Neu5Gc is not produced by the human body or our great ape ancestors (probably due to a common mutation). But Neu5Gc is usually always found in human tumors. The inflammation it causes seems to feed tumors and harden arteries.
15.) Half an egg a day or more is shown to double the odds of mouth, throat, esophageal, prostate, and bladder cancer; triple the odds of colon and breast cancer.Notes: May be explained by the dixons present. While banned, levels are still present in our food and seem to be worst in animal products.Source: Egg consumption and the risk of cancer: a multisite case-control study in Uruguay.
19.) Harvard studies of 37,698 men and 83,644 women, over 22 and 30 years, respectively, found red meat to increase total mortality rates and cancer mortality rates.Notes: Results were after controlling for age, weight, alcohol, exercise, smoking, family history, calorie intake, and intake of whole plant foods. Nuts were found to be protective when taken as an alternative protein source.Source: Red Meat Consumption and Mortality: Results From 2 Prospective Cohort Studies. Arch Intern Med. 2012;0(2012):201122871-9.
64.) Microparticles (titanium dioxide and aluminum silicate), common additive in pastries and processed food, consumed with endotoxins cause an inflammatory response in the gut wall 6x greater compared to endotoxins alone.Notes: Most people are digesting a trillion particles of titanium dioxide a day. Researchers found these microparticles in all 18 diseased colons (colon cancer or inflammatory bowel) used for a study. No microparticles were found in the healthy colons studied. Titanium dioxide is used to make things white. Thus white powdered donuts tend to have the most titanium dioxide out of all foods.Source: Immune potentiation of ultrafine dietary particles in normal subjects and patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J. Autoimmun. 2000 14(1):99 – 105.
68.) Amino acid L-carnitine (found heavily in red meat and popular energy drinks) has been found to cause heart disease.Notes: While our bodies produce L-carnitine, the problem comes when our gut bacteria comes in contact with it and produces a toxic substance called trimethylamine oxide (TMAO). This substance has been found circulating in our blood after L-carnitine consumption. TMAO also appears to be linked to cancer.Source: Intestinal microbiota metabolism of l-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis. Nat Med. 2013 Apr 7.
74.) The American Heart Association took legal action through the FDA (which was upheld by the Supreme Court) to have the egg industry cease and desist promoting eggs as having no harmful effects on your health.Notes: Not a scientific fact, but interesting nonetheless. The notable statement by the egg industry was an advertising campaign that stated there is no scientific evidence that eggs cause heart disease. After the courts reviewed the evidence, they found the statement to be clearly false and misleading.Source: Dietary cholesterol, serum cholesterol, and risks of cardiovascular and noncardiovascular diseases. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1998 67(3):488 – 492.
75.) One egg contains almost 2/3 of the cholesterol limit suggested by the American Heart Association for healthy people.Source: AHA Website
Good grief, from being raised around farms I can honestly say this is all ridiculous, now most farm animals are not raised as they once were, this is a given. Most farmers cured and preserved their own foods, farmers did not die from what they ate. Amish are a perfect example of clean farming is, and was. I do not believe in any of these studies, most are against what was once healthy eating, there is no doubt food has changed, as most of these studies have been funded by the very corporations that have a agenda. For crying out loud, people still believe oil comes from dinosaurs, and nuclear radiation is real..!
Good grief, from being raised around farms I can honestly say this is all ridiculous, now most farm animals are not raised as they once were, this is a given. Most farmers cured and preserved their own foods, farmers did not die from what they ate. Amish are a perfect example of clean farming is, and was. I do not believe in any of these studies, most are against what was once healthy eating, there is no doubt food has changed, as most of these studies have been funded by the very corporations that have a agenda. For crying out loud, people still believe oil comes from dinosaurs, and nuclear radiation is real..!
If you choose your food wisely, no…