7) Part 1 of Dr. Robert O Young interview by Sasha Stone on pathological blood coagulation caused by chemical and radiation poisoning and not some pHantom SARS/COVID virus
UNMASKED STREAMING LINKSCHAPTER ONE - INTRO TO DR. ROBERT YOUNGDr. Robert Young gives you a portion of who he, what his life has entailed and why he's fighting the good fight for all of us. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qdMWk42EzZKs/CHAPTER TWO - TOXIC SOUPAir, Food, Water, EMFs.... We are bombarded with toxins all day every day. Find out what to do.https://www.bitchute.com/video/vfIT4iTsBI1u/CHAPTER THREE - THE VIRUS FALLACYWhat is a virus? Where is the meaning "virus?" Why do you believe what you believe about viruses? https://www.bitchute.com/video/hMr5tGcLR8tk/CHAPTER FOUR - VACCINESVaccines may be the greatest "CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY" ever. Dr. Robert Young breaks down what vaccines are made of how they affect our bodies. https://www.bitchute.com/video/JsbtXIFBt4VS/CHAPTER FIVE - PHARMA & EMFSBig Pharma doesn't and never will have your best interest in mind. EMFs are attacking our bodies all day, every day. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ykkq2obcDz20/CHAPTER SIX - MIND POISONING & MOVING FORWARDDr. Young helps you to understand how our thoughts and mind effect our lives internally. He gives pragmatic solutions for moving forward to healthier lifestyle. https://www.bitchute.com/video/NrDVTTD7bhd3/CHAPTER SEVEN - DR. YOUNG'S LEGAL STORYDr. Robert Young gives details on his arrests and why the "bad actors" have made such an effort to come after him. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rhbmAqislEQ4/VIEWING OPTIONSOPTION #1 - DIRECT DOWNLOAD BY CLICKING "WATCH UNMASKED"https://unmaskeddocumentary.com/shop/ols/products/unmasked-documentary