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  • Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

The Terrain Theory vs. The Germ Theory

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Robert Young CPT, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner has dedicated his career and life to an unconventional “theory”.

The theory, that Dr. Robert Young believes in, is called “terrain” theory..

It was first proposed by French scientist, Antoine Béchamp, who most Americans have never heard of. The current mainstream “theory” of disease, that has been instilled, taught and permeated throughout the western World’s population, is called “germ” theory.

Antione Bechamp vs Louis Pasteur - Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory - Science vs Scientism

Antione Béchamp vs. Pasteur

Béchamp was able to see bacteria, and other nano materials emerge from the cell, as opposed to coming from outside the cell, like most people have been taught.

Dr. Young doesn’t believe that corona, ebola, or zika can infect a human being, let alone exist at all. “For you are dust, and to dust you shall return” Genesis 3:19

Béchamp proposed that the environment of the body, determines what can live and not live. Young says that the source of common disease, is chemical poisoning, which can come in many forms, such as pesticides, herbicides, genetically modified foods, and vaccines. All of which, do not come from nature. They are produced by the military – industrial – pharmaceutical complex.

Young claims that the Rockefeller's knew this would be an infinite source of revenue, if they could convince the population of germ theory.

Below are links to Young’s books and research:

Tweeter: - Robert Young Dsc. PhD. Naturopathic Practitioner @phmiraclelife

Radio Show Episode Dr. Robert O. Young

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Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
Robert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
12 ago 2022

A self-induced fever that is brought on with increased amounts of bioacids that are being pushed out from the interstitial fluids to the pores of the skin for elimination, The increased temperature also happens when you are over-exercising with the increases of lactic acid.

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deleted user
deleted user
14 ago 2022
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11 ago 2022

True. I have not read anything substantial about the coronavirus. Every article is about the spike protein which is created. Plus many articles about harm done by the vaccines. No a single video or report showing how the "virus" is replicating or mutating. Our electron microscope can see the spike protein which is much smaller than the "virus". So, where are the mysterious viruses?

So, is Gert Vanden Bossche talking the truth about the virus mutating and also escaping the immune pressure? Bossche has never shown any proof of the virus. If no virus is proven then how can it mutate?

Covid is a real disease though the causes may be unknown. I will call this pandemic the spike pandemic.

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21 jun 2023
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I call this the graphene “pandemic” or graphene “pneumonia”. What other nanoscale metals and agents can irritate or slice through the respiratory mucosal tissue and the endothelium, and even cross the blood brain barrier? The lipid carrier and hydrogel matter transfer the patented ingredients everywhere and we certainly cannot avoid breathing the harmful jet-sprayed aerosolized nanoparticles. these are global circumstances that can be misdefined and rebranded with the word “pandemic”. This is what I, a healthcare professional, perceive as a widespread environmental and dietary and lifestyle toxicities and deficiencies. My background is from the health reformist view of the terrain as causal and not on the symptom-based, treatment-provoking germ theory. Graphene investigation is worth every second that we can ac…

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deleted user
deleted user
11 feb 2022


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21 jun 2023
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Fever is from the presence of debris in the circulatory system which causes friction, heat, the expansion of pores and the discharge of the waste, especially if assisted by drinking sufficient water. The waste, phlegm is usually from the consumption of animal products, grains, enzyme deficient (cooked) diets. The body sometimes has overwhelmed other eliminatory systems hence must use the skin to assist with the “healing crisis”.

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03 feb 2022

I need to do more research on this, but it all is so logical. So reality is turned completely upside down and we also live on a flat earth.

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praise Him
praise Him
30 jul 2022
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"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in" - Isaiah 40:22. Circle, from the Hebrew word ḥûḡ - defined as 'to describe a circle:—compass. So, if you are a Christian, God will give you understanding. You accept ALL of His word as truth, including Isaiah 40:22.

The tower of Babel was the origin/birth of all false religion, man using his own works to try and reach God. The flood was God's wrath unleashed over the entire 'circle' because of sin. Christianity is not based on whether or not you believe the eart…

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08 ene 2022

Absolutely makes complete sense. Every time I have become sick I was exposed to poison, knowingly or not. The unlimited promotion of Alcohol, cigarettes, junk food and lately the exaggerated fear porn from politicians and msm are all carefully manipulates by Pharma, no doubt whatsoever. Pfizer alone has the most disconcerting Criminal history and yet people are lining up for these drugs

A healthy person is not a customer, a constantly sick person is a constant source of income for these organised criminals!

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