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  • Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

What's Happening Around the World?

Here are two new Rumble interviews of Dr. Robert O. Young for your education and enlightenment on the Alkalarian lifestyle.



What is Happening Around the World!

Just a sample of what is going on around the World in the first 3 month of any quarter of any year!

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Steven Krulick
Steven Krulick
Jun 26, 2021

No, it's NOT "a young life," but only a POTENTIAL life. You can't just call it a "life" that is being "killed"! That is the point I made. Calling it a "child" doesn't make it one. As long as you just call it what you want instead of what it is, you are living in a world of illusion. Until the foetus is outside the maintenance system OF the womb, and breathes on its own, it is not yet a "life" that can be killed.

But since YOU are a "pre-dead corpse" I guess you wouldn't understand how it works and are just hypnotized by the words you have been fed. I have no problem because I understand how it…

Steven Krulick
Steven Krulick
Jun 27, 2021
Replying to

So you blatantly assert. Your mere opinion isn't the basis for reality, O pre-dead corpse.


Steven Krulick
Steven Krulick
Jun 26, 2021

I don't take seriously any stat of these items that claims to be accurate to a precise singles digit. Too many variables, overlaps, misdiagnosis or lack of diagnosis for anyone to claim they can pin these down to a precise number! I also challenge claiming "death" of what hasn't been born or that there is any way to get a precise number for that claim.

Calling what is in the womb a "baby girl" or a "living person" or "child" doesn't make it one. It is a zygote, or embryo, or foetus, and only POTENTIALLY a person. Electrical activity in a microscopic group of organizing cells at 6 weeks is NOT a "heartbeat."

There is not even a 100% certainty…

Adam Ruff
Adam Ruff
Jun 26, 2021
Replying to

Abortion is the killing and removal of a young life from the womb. No way around that reality. It is the taking of a life, it is your problem if you cannot live with that truth.

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