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  • Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

All Vaccines Contain Dangerous Poisons

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Ramola D | Feb 7, 2022


As the very dark WHO-CDC-WEF COVID plandemic and scamdemic agenda continues to roll out worldwide, with countries continuing to push the dangerous and lethal COVID vaccines now found to be filled with toxins, reported most recently here, despite the high numbers of deaths and seriously horrifying injuries being reported everyday, including here today and here, many of those most strident pro-vaccine pundits surrounding us remain oblivious to the true contents and true dangers of all vaccines, in particular the so-called CoVid - 19 injection.

But the world is waking up now, and young parents being told to get their babies vaccinated and long-indoctrinated in the paradigm of “vaccinated if you’re educated” may want to open their eyes and check ingredients first, standing on their own two feet to question this long-entrenched paradigm, and challenge the premise of the “Immunization Schedule” which pediatricians – well-paid by the Drug Industry – foist on them.

The book Goodbye Germ Theory by Dr. William Trebing, Sick and Tired, Reclaim Your Inner Terrain and A Second Thought About Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis by Dr. Robert O. Young, are compelling must-reads, offers educative insight into the dangers of all vaccines, showing clearly what is contained in the substances being pumped into our children–over 70 vaccines in the USA by age six–starting from their day of birth and shot into their veins at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 1 year and so on in regular intervals for a slew of supposedly deadly diseases, which in fact lead to childhood cancers, auto immune diseases, autism and neurological disorders, and more.


While the CDC and FDA — in the laps of Big Harma — staunchly deny these connections, the evidence is clear from examining the statistics and history that this in fact is the legacy of all childhood vaccines, which have quite tragically been made mandatory for schoolchildren, and which have entered the public lexicon as needed immunizations to prevent harmful diseases, on the basis of lies-by-omission, lies-by-commission, and lies-by-distortion strung out by the Harmaceutical and Medical Cartel which has infiltrated Government, Healthcare, and the Military, comprising the MIS, DIS, MALINFORMATION” which DHS is currently striving to attribute to anyone questioning subverted-elections or extant government agendas–an Information Warfare topic of note for another day, surely.

This legacy of childhood vaccines, the connections with rising disease and ill-health, as well as with infant mortality, and coincidentally skyrocketing rates of cancer and autism in the USA, ever since the mid -1950s when vaccinations became entrenched and widespread here, will be discussed separately, with graphs and data, in another article in this series.


Many physicians, holistic doctors, and science analysts know and have been speaking and writing of this connection for decades: this dedicated coterie continues to educate us and bring forward the true history and facts of vaccines, science and statistics which like the hidden science of 'Terrain Theory', has been disappeared out of sight, marginalized and mocked as unscientific “anti-vaccine” misinformation by the very well-oiled Mockingbird Op engine of mainstream media, run by the same large rockfaces of deception and greed running Big Harma, Blackrock and Vanguard and various other large investor firms holding hands with them.

Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Andy Kaufman discuss their discoveries of Antoine Bechamp's groundbreaking Terrain Theory after he examined cells at the molecular level and found that disease and ill-health stems from unhealthy and acidic internal environments, uncovering specks of granular life beyond cellular, nuclear, and DNA structures he termed microzymas--later or seemingly coincidentally named protits, somatids, bions by other scientists, historically, similar in fact, says Dr. Andy Kaufman to stem cells--which scientists like Gunther Enderlein and Marie Bleker found have the capacity to form life into healthy cells or bacteria and yeast of different kinds in acidic environments, which form primarily to try to clean up the acids and toxins, and can be returned to the shape of healthy cells after toxic-waste-clean-up in the right alkaline environment, in an extraordinary and fascinating process heretofore hidden from larger awareness by the Germologists of Modern Harmaceutically-Shaped Science: Pleomorphism.

This suggests that germs are endogenous and rise from inside us -- and are not lone microorganisms existing outside the body, waiting to opportunistically invade and exploit our well-being in waves of infection, contagion, pandemic or endemic, as Virologists and Germologists would have it.

Instead, all health and disease is determined by our own actions, thoughts, and attitudes--our lack of nutrition, exercise, rest and restoration, relaxation and so on, and the toxic stresses on us--chemical, radiation/EMF, environmental, physical, each producing specific bio-effects, which gives rise, Dr. Young says, to unhealthy acidic environments inside us, plunging the pH of our interstitial fluids (fluid between cells), vascular fluids (fluid inside blood vessels), and cellular fluids (fluid inside cells) to dangerous and toxified levels much lower than the optimal baseline levels that they and we need to be in good health and thrive.

A truly revolutionary concept with the capacity to overturn all conventional and militarized concepts of our bodies as battlefields and germs as hostile warriors, pleomorphism offers a magical lens to view the fluid transformation and totality of all life. In Antoine Bechamp's words, "Nothing created is lost. Nothing becomes a prey to death, everything becomes a prey to life."

In addition Dr. Kaufman addresses in close focus the faulty concept of Virus-Isolation on which germologists predicate Virus-Replication, proof for either of which really does not exist, given that what they begin with and call "isolation" is in actuality NOT isolation--unable to produce a finite specific form from the debris of patient sputum or patient specimen which they admittedly mix with Vero cells--diseased African monkey kidney cells, as well as fetal cells, bovine calf serum, formaldehyde, antibiotics and other chemicals and toxins, they arbitrarily fixate on shreds of debris containing immiscible genetic matter--bits of RNA encased in bits of cellular membrane--extruded from cells, and call these "viruses" which they then genetically sequence using amplification processes like the faulty PCR. In no way shape or form, scientifically, logically, reasonably or otherwise can they say they have extracted a specific virus from patient sputum after subjecting it to this mix-up-and-stir miasma-creation process, as Dr. Kaufman explains, and which leads only, Dr. Young says, to a "Frankensteinian concoction filled with random anatomical elements."

A wide-ranging and detailed presentation from both doctors, this panel on Terrain offers a turning-point in the public understanding of health and disease, which has both been hijacked so far by the virologists and vaccine-makers propping up a diseased profit-driven paradigm run by Big Harma, and which has, through the aegis of politically-minded and totalitarianism-intending over reachers and abusers of power at the WHO, WEF, and world governments kowtowing to them, ground to a halt currently clutching its unacceptable and absurd valise of 'Forever Pandemic' combined with 'Forever Injections'.

As a consequence, people nationwide continue to sacrifice their babies on the altar of the Immunization schedule, and the government pays out hundreds of millions in vaccine injury damages, which they won’t hold Harma manufacturers liable for.


One of the most interesting discussions it touches on what Dr. Trebing sees as a primary problem with vaccines. Given that all vaccines use organic matter from both human and non-human sources, such as supposed-viruses which really means cell-culture mixtures with monkey kidney cells, fetal cells, bovine calf serum cells, etc, vaccines actually insert proteins from these foreign cell sources, and genetic matter from these foreign cells into the human bloodstream, cell, and nucleus of cells, which instinctively reject this matter or, forced to incorporate it, careen out of control into abnormal cell multiplication, a hallmark of cancer.

These proteins cannot be digested by the body, note both Dr. Trebing and Dr. Robert Young, they impose a chronic burden of toxicity on the body fluids, which effloresces sooner or later into disease of some sort including cancer.

In recent podcasts at Ramola D Reports, Dr. Young has stressed that large proteins, as also nanometallics and “cluster-bombs of graphene,” stay stuck in the blood for years, putrefying and causing toxic reactions.

Please see below Dr. Trebing’s discussion of this situation regarding proteins and polypeptides from vaccines, on pages 59 and 60 of his book, starting mid-page “Let us begin this discussion with the anatomy of a vaccine”:


Note as well that the proteins from the monkey kidney cells and horse blood cells come from sick and diseased animals, injected forcefully and repeatedly with mixtures of toxins to make them sick, in order to harvest their cells and plasma for use in cell cultures and vaccines–described further in the

“Poisons in all vaccines” section below.


Moving on to other, actual poisons. Listed as excipient or adjuvant, various potent chemicals are being assembled into dubious mixtures, all of which are being injected into the vulnerable arms of babies, grandpas and grandmas, teenagers, and various elderly people and children being deceived into taking flu vaccines, all to clog the blood, enter and clog up organs, or cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neuro-damage.

Dr. Trebing and Dr. Young have listed the different poisons in a few vaccines, reproduced below–DPT, Polio, MMR, Diphtheria, and small pox shots, listing also a common list of ingredients included with many vaccines.

These terrifying ingredients include formaldehyde–a potent chemical used as an embalming fluid for dead bodies, mercury, a known neurotoxin which will and does create neurodamage, ammonium sulphate, a nerve and liver poison, latex rubber which causes anaphylactic shocks, and glutaraldehyde, which causes birth defects. There are many others, each as alarming as the other. Polysorbate 60 for instance–taken for granted today as inclusion in vaccines–is a known carcinogen.

Further, the putrefying proteins in the blood and/or interstitial fluids post-vaccine, whether one day after or several years after, release highly toxic chemicals into the bloodstream known to biochemists as dangerous and disease-causing: indols, creatinines, phenols, each of these further degrading the blood, the vitality, brain, and health of the “educated-to-be-vaccinated” subject.

As Dr. Trebing explains, these deadly toxins produce deadly “side-effects” , including convulsions, strokes, Bell’s Palsy, screaming episodes, fainting, high fevers, rashes, autism, SIDS, and so on–absolutely horrific consequences which are marked as “side-effects” not “EFFECTS” in inserts and which are completely ignored by nurses, medical technicians, pediatricians, and other receivers of funds from vaccine-makers as they hold down babies and thrust these poisons into them. (SIDS is probably not marked, since it like autism is being denied as consequence of vaccines by the vaccine-maker/CDC cartel.)

There is a high level of corruption in the entire world of Medicine–aka Western Medicine now exported worldwide–it seems, with doctors and nurses not just being brainwashed into believing people need these toxins (“antigens to produce antibodies”), but being bribed with incentives to ignore adverse events, being indoctrinated to not record and report adverse events, including symptoms of the very disease they are vaccinating against, and being miseducated and undereducated to such a degree that most pediatricians have no idea what is in the vaccines they are administering. Again, this is a separate subject, which will be addressed separately in this series.


In a 2017 paper reported again just yesterday in Toxins From Spilled Coronavac Vial In Thailand Induce Eye Damage, Skin Rashes | Argentine Researchers Find Self-Assembling Microcircuit Elements in Sinopharm, Sputnik, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Cansino | German Chemists Question Discoloration in BioNTech Vials, Dr. Gatti has identified numerous nanometallics which operate as toxic substances in vaccines, in her analysis of 44 vaccines from Italy and France.

Excerpt, Table 2 showing nanometallic ingredient findings in vaccines, Gatti AM, Montanari S. New quality-control investigations on vaccines: micro- and nanocontamination. Int J Vaccines Vaccin. 2017;4(1):7‒14. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2017.04.00072

Note, these are flu vaccines, meningitis vaccines, diphtheria vaccines, MMR vaccines, pertussis vaccines, Gardasil – a whole platter of different vaccines all loaded with dangerous heavy metals and cytotoxins, being pumped into babies at four months old and grandmas at eighty years, both in highly fragile and vulnerable stages of their lives.

For her pains, the information Dr. Gatti reported in this now-historic paper, was seen as so incendiary and threatening to the Harmaceutical industry that local Italian police were sent to shut down her lab, confiscate her equipment, and grab her notebooks and papers.

Thankfully, Dr. Gatti continues her work these days, as reported in Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs, where her work in analyzing the misleading COVID nasal swabs loaded with metallic nanoparticulates as revealed to Planet Lockdown journalists is highlighted.

Now to the question of the COVID vaccines, whose found ingredients–in vaccine and blood–have been painstakingly exposed by various primary researchers from Europe, South America, USA including La Quinta Columna doctors Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Jose Sevillano, Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Andreas Kelcker, Dr. Andreas Noack, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Franc Zalewski, Dr. John B, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, and various other doctors and scientists, reported here as also at many other sites and media outlets online. These analyses and discoveries continue everyday, with groups from Germany and New Zealand also coming forward to publish their findings. (Please see the post Toxins Found in COVID Vaccines, Masks, Swabs for a listing of all articles published here exposing the found toxins in the COVID Vaccines, an ongoing project.)


Known poisons Synthetic Moderna Lipid Capsid 102 or SM 102, Amino Lipid Capsid 0315 or ALC 0315, Amino Lipid Capsid 3015 or ALC 3015 and Amino Lipid Capsid 0159 or ALC 0159 are advertised as extant in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, highlighted by Dr. Theresa Long, a military surgeon whistleblowing on vaccine harms to the military, covered here recently.

Dr. Theresa Long testifying on vaccine injuries to Senator Ron Johnson:

“One of the primary components of the lipid nanoparticle delivery system is“ ALC 0315. ”This is a toxic substance. It makes up between 30 to 50 percent of the total ingredients of a vaccine."

Among the many serious possible effects (lipid nanoparticles) is this reality: “Caution: The product is not fully validated for medical applications. For research use only. ” It is also noted: “Other journals and scientific papers also indicate that this ingredient has never been used in humans before.” Long correctly states:

“My assessment is that ALC 0315 is a known poison with few studies, particularly limited to ‘research-only’ and no history of (medical) use."

The other ingredient in the vaccine is a known toxic chemical: “Polyethylene glycol or ALC 0159 is the active ingredient in antifreeze.” There have been countless cases in which people have been fatally poisoned by this chemical. This comment by the officer, Dr. Long is particularly impressive: “I can’t tell what form of alchemy Pfizer and the FDA have discovered that antifreeze would become a healthy drug for the human body.”

Another important point is that “a key ingredient in Modern’s vaccine , SM-102… is significantly more dangerous than Pfizer’s ALC 0315.” It has been observed that “this ingredient in Modern’s vaccine is lethal.”

An excellent list of found ingredients can be found at and at:

Many doctors, like Dr. Long, have revealed that the lipid nanoparticles are toxic to the human body and that the mRNA spike-protein amino acids are cytotoxic and genotoxic to the human cell, organs, and blood.

Dr. Carrie Madej discussed these inclusions in an interview with this writer early last year, while lately Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has been vocal in expressing the clotting harms to the body from the spike protein, other found ingredients, and consequent lymphocyte reactions:

Dr. Bhakdi

That interview was a year ago (video links in the Code Red article)–the vaccines have still not been stopped, and have now caused thousands of millions of deaths in the USA and worldwide, as well as millions of deadly Severe Adverse Events or disabilities, including heart attacks and myocarditis in children and teenagers.

Physicians and parents worldwide have to become more vocal to demand answers of Public Health officials who are assisting currently in pushing through a most sinister and genocidal agenda and get these toxic COVID vaccines stopped. Government agendas and agreements with the WHO – covered here earlier – are unfortunately keeping these vaccines going.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich offers a comprehensive summation of the pandemic hoax forcing lethal injections on the world, published today, Feb 7, 2022:


It is to be hoped that published information on the mega poisons found in the COVID vaccines will assist people worldwide in forcing a termination of these most deadly gene-modifying injections before more people and more children are harmed–and killed.

Please share this information widely!

Who is Robert O. Young CPC, DSc, PhD and Naturopathic Practitioner (to view CV & Recent Publicatons click here)

The following is a portion of my work that was published 22 years later as a declaration for those who have eyes to see and hears to hear the mysteries of the Creator!

Click on the above picture or on this link to order your personally signed copy of "The Finger on the Magic of Life". Please read, learn and share this article with everyone who you love and care about so they can be at peace within and know there is "nothing to fear but fear itself." Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933

Citation: Young RO (2016) Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life - Antoine Bechamp or Louis Pasteur?. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(5): 00047. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00047

Citation: Young RO (2016) Second Thoughts about Viruses, Vaccines, and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis - Part 1. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(3): 00032. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00032

The truth often comes out when the angel of death is standing at YOUR doorstep. Now is the time to prepare to live your life with health, energy, passion and integrity. You must be the change and the cure you want to see.

Dr. Robert Young has devoted his career to discovering the ‘missing pieces” within the larger picture of health. With a specialty in cellular nutrition, biochemistry, and microbiology, his entire career has been focused on health at the cellular level, researching the true causes of "disease” and cellular repair. Dr. Young is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles published in several noted journals, including The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He is the author and co-author of many books, including the pH Miracle for Cancer and most recently The Cancer Solution, published in 2018. The pH Miracle series of books has sold over 10 million copies, has been translated into 29 languages and has gained a widespread following in more than 159 countries. You will want to listen to this interview several times - and share with everyone you know. Dr. Young explains: > how to remove graphene oxide from your body > how to protect yourself from radiation/EMF frequencies > how to heal from almost every symptom you have....for pennies a day > why the most important part of your immune system is NOT your white blood cells >... and so much more in this hour presentation PACKED with important information - Website:

Blog: www.drrobertyoung/.blog

A few articles: Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Any Cancerous Condition - The International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Published Peer-reviewed Scientific Articles on SARS CoVid - 2 Now Called CoVid - 19

1. What Do Viruses Lke HIV and Corona Have in Common with Exosomes -

2. Young RO, Migalko G (2020) What Causes Oxygen Deprivation of the Blood(DIC) and Then Lungs(SARS - CoV 2 & 12)?. Integ Mol Bio Biotechnol 1: 001-007

3. The Genesis of Severe Acute Respiratory (Syndrome) Disease or SARS (Coronavirus - COVID - 2 and COVID - 19) is Found in the Interstitial Fluids of Intestitium.

4. Young RO, Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines. Hikari Omni Publishing, August 20th, 2020.

Click below to download the PDF file in English and Spanish

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3 comentários

Jim Carter
Jim Carter
13 de fev. de 2022

Is the pending foreclosure of loans to 86 nations by the IMF, offered within hours of the pandemic announcement in March 2020, relevant to a motive for mass murder of millions of people ? Ref., SPARTACUS.


11 de fev. de 2022

Thank you for the work you do, Dr. Young! I am so happy you foster the work of Bechamp! Do you have any research to share on the condition of Lyme disease?


John Sheffield
John Sheffield
09 de fev. de 2022

I think the most terrifying aspect of all that goes on in the world is that the media has a legal right to lie to its viewers. Because of this, they can have legal (though unlawful) standing to declare anything as misinformation. The only real way to defeat and criminalize this atrocity is to overwhelmingly expose their own lies right in their faces, deliver them to Congress, and pray they get a bill into place that holds them accountable.

That may be wishful thinking, but still.

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