A USA Court Orders the CDC to Release Data Showing 18 Million Seriously Injured by the Corona VAXXXine!
What Happened to Informed Consent?
The Court Records Showed More than 18 million people were seriously injured by their first GRAPHENE-LACED COVID-19 VAXXXination from Pfizer or Moderna and had to be taken to the hospital for emergency care.
That’s according to the CDC’s own internal data, which a US Court just ordered a federal agency to release to a watchdog group.
Instead of alerting the public to the incredible dangers of these shots and completely shutting down Joe Biden’s mass vaxxxination mandates, the CDC covered up the information until it was forced to be release by a US Judge.
Everyone in a position of authority at the CDC should have been fired for this blatant coverup. What good is a “public health” agency if it fails to alert the public that 8% of VAXXXine recipients were being hospitalized?
The CDC started a VAXXXine injury monitoring program back at the very beginning of the GRAPHENE-LACED COVID bioweapon clot shot, rollout in December of 2020.
You might remember it?
The program was called V-safe
People were asked to install the V-safe app on their smartphones and then self-report if they had any negative effects from the experimental mRNA shots, which were released to the public under an 'Emergency Use Authorization' from the FDA.
There were many people who were eager to help, because World governments had seriously scared these folks over this so-called novel corona virus which had never been scientifically purified and isolated. In other words, the novel corona virus was never shown to exist!
Many people thought that the so-called corona virus shots were a medical miracle in late 2020. More than 10 million people downloaded V-safe on their smartphones, and then proceeded to get VAXXXinated with a non-disclosed graphene-laced gain-of-function bioweapon clot shot.
Ten million people is a huge sample size for a medical study. With ten million people participating in the V-safe self-reporting system, it gave us an extremely accurate statistical model to use when studying the 230 million Americans who had received at least one COVID bioweapon shot.
The CDC tracked data in the V-safe program for the first 18 months of the vaccine’s public availability, up through July of this year. But then, strangely, the CDC never published any data from V-safe. You couldn’t see the data. So, you just had to trust the CDC, which in the past had been caught lying repeatedly.
The CDC’s main webpage concerning the mRNA Corona virus bioweapon shot still says, to this very day, “COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and free.” That’s the very first sentence on the website.
That’s been the CDC’s position for the entire time. The VAXXXines are safe, and they cannot hurt you.
The big question is why wouldn’t the CDC release the data freely instead of the court ordering the CDC to do so following a lawsuit by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)?
The Data Speaks for Itself
Of the 10 million people who participated in V-safe – again, a massive sample size – 3.3 million reported Adverse Health Impacts (AHIs) immediately after their first VAXXXination which contained graphene oxide, PEG, and parasite eggs. That’s 33% or one-in-three. Of those 3.3 million people, 1.2 million reported that they were unable to perform daily activities for a time after being VAXXXinated with the so-called corona virus shot. 1.3 million reported getting so sick from the clot shot that they had to miss school or work. And, about 800,000 reported being hospitalized as a result of receiving the COVID VAXXXination!
Hospital Treatments for COVID WERE the #1 KILLER!
People who died suddenly, pulmonary embolism, and turbo cancers were all very low. There are no unknown causes of death. No myocarditis deaths.
Died suddenly was now the #1 cause of death, followed closely by cardiac-related death!
Stop right there! This should be a showstopper!
Cancer is next. Turbo cancer is now significant compared to what it was before. Myocarditis is now a player and is killing more than COVID.
That Last Figure is the Most Troublesome!
800,000 hospitalizations out of 10 million people? That’s an 8% hospitalization rate. It means that as many as 18 million of the 230 million people who received at least one shot may have been hospitalized with a serious adverse reaction.
A study published in June of 2021 by the National Institutes of Health – where Tony Fauci works – found that the hospitalization rate from COVID-19 for the total population was 2.1%. If you are under the age of 40, the hospitalization rate from COVID-19 is just 0.4%.
For the GRAPHENE-LACED BIOWEAPON SHOTS in the USA, the Hospitalization rate has been 8% or higher!
YOU ARE 4 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE HOSPITALIZED BY the Graphene-laced Jibby Jabb BIOWEAPON or SO-CALLED VAXXXINE SHOTS THAN BY a so-called novel corona virus that has never been scientifically shown to exist!
You Can ead the NIH-published study HERE!
ICAN has set up a website where you can finally view the CDC’s V-safe data online. The data was released on October 3, 2022, under a court order.
You can see the data for yourself HERE!
The CDC AND OUR GOVERNMENT have been lying to the American people about the GRAPHENE-LACED BIOWEAPON CLOT SHOTS THEY CALL vaccines all this time!
September 22, 2022
There needs to be legal consequences for this crime against humanity, Public trials and long jail sentences are necessary for anyone at the CDC who participated in this huge international cover-up! Click on the references below in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research.
Only when you can understand the history and the drawbacks of human beings, will you wake up and fight against tyranny!
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30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job…