Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for your love and support for over forty years. I am truly thankful, grateful and humbled by your generosity and your prayers.
The following are just a few examples of the thousands of micrographs I have observed and documented in the last several months viewed under Brightfield, pHase Contrast and Darkfield Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy[SEM} and Transmission Electron Microscopy[TEM].
What Does Healthy Blood Look Like?
1. Healthy capillary human blood from a UNVAXXinated male - appears even in color, even in shape and even in size as observed under Brightfield, pHase Contrast and Darkfield microscopy.
This is What Healthy Blood Looks Like! What Does YOUR Blood Look Like? Keep Reading!
What Does UnHealthy Blood Look Like Full of Graphene, Iron, Aluminum, Parasites, Acid Crystals and Blood Clots?
2. The micrograph below shows a symplast or a micro clot of enlarged red blood cells or a blood clot observed using a compound pHase contrast light microscope at 1500x magnification. These micro clots are now commonly seen in the live unstained blood of humans and animals due to acidic/toxic poison now found in food, water, air, vaccines, nutritional supplements and legend drugs. The hemoglobin, the molecule of the red blood cells adsorbs and absorbs metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environmental acidic poisonous waste in order to protect the delicate pH balance of the vascular fluids at 7.365 pH and -20.5 mV and the interstitial fluids that surround all body cells at a 8.4 pH and -80 mV. The red blood cells NOT the white blood cells are the primary protectors of the body cells that make up all organs, glands and tissues. White blood cell are secondary to red blood cells in providing immunity which is a major oversight in current medical microbiology.
The symptoms of micro clots caused by acidic chemical and radiation poisoning are as follows:
Low energy
Cold hands
Cold feet
Itchy skin
Muddle thinking
Foggy thinking
Dry cough
DIC or Pathological Blood Coagulation
Decompensated acidosis of the vascular and interstitial fluids
3. A large symplast of magnetic nano graphene oxide observed in the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood using pHase Contrast Microscopy of a VAXXinated male.
Targeted Red Blood Cell Deficient in Hemoglobin with Large Symplasts of Metallic Graphene Oxide Surrounded by Blood Clots!
4. Ferric oxide with lactic and sulphuric acid crystals observed in the live capillary blood from a VAXXinated male using Brightfield, pHase contrast microscopy and confirmed with UV absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometer and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments.
5. A large symplast of Nano Graphene oxide particulates observed in the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood of a VAXXinated female with metastatic lung and brain cancer patient after chemotherapy.
6. A large symplast of Nano Graphene Oxide observed in the live unchanged capillary blood under pHase contrast microscopy of a UNVAXXinated female. I call these symplasts of graphene, " Graphene Atomic Bombs"
7. Graphene oxide in the center of what appears as a vulgaris bulgarus parasite at 1500x magnification observed in the live capillary blood under phase contrast microscopy in a VAXXinated female.
8. Pathological blood coagulation combined with a host of Wuchereria bancrofti, Microfilariae, Rope and Trypanosoma Cruzi blood parasites found in living capillary blood observed under pHase Contrast Microscopy. These parasites mainly live in the lymphatic vessels, but occasionally they are found in the living capillary blood and can thrive for up to ten years in animal and human blood. These parasites destroy the health of your interstitial and vadcular fluids, causing cellular and tissue acidification, inflammation and degeneration of the cell membranes and genetic matter leading to chronic disease! You pick up these parasites when eating sushi, chicken, beef, shrimp, pork and NOW through VAXXination! It is notable that shrimp, crab and lobster have a countless number of parasites that rot the body from the inside out! Flee from these highly acidic foods and inoculations and NEVER touch them with your hands!!
9. Graphene Oxide nanowires, threads, dots and bubbles observed in the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood with Brightfield and pHase Contrast microscopy in a UNVAXXinated female.
More Micro and Nanographs of Graphene Nanowires, Threads, Ribbons, Dots and Bubbles of the Vaccinated Observed in LIVE CAPPILARY BLOOD BLOOD CLOTS!
Graphene Based Nanowires are superconductor batteries used for tissue scaffolding inside the human body and for receiving and transmitting data across the Internet of Things.
10. Different morphology of nano graphene oxide as wires, ribbons, tubes, dots and sheets as observed in the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood of a VAXXinated female.
11. Nano Graphene Oxide Nanowires and Threads as observed in the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood under pHase contrast microscopy from a VAXXinated female
12. Nano Graphene Oxide sheets, tubes, nanowires, threads and dots observed in the live unchanged capillary blood under pHase contrast microscopy from a VAXXinated female. Please note the red blood cell clots throughout the smear.
13. A large Nano Graphene Oxide Tubular blood clot observed in the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood under pHase contrast microscopy from a VAXXinated male.
14. A large fibrous graphene oxide micro blood clot observed in the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood of a VAXXinated female under pHase contrast microscopy.
15. A pathological capillary blood clot containing graphene oxide threads and tubes observed in the live unchanged and unstained blood of a VAXXinated female under brightfield microscopy.
Micrographs of Healthy and UnHealthy Blood Under pHase Contrast and Brightfield Microscopy
Graphene in Nano and Micro Blood Clots in the VAXXinated and UNVAXXinated Capillary Blood!
16. Self-Assembling Graphene Oxide Based Biosensors observed in the unchanged and unstained capillary blood under pHase contrast microscopy of a VAXXinated female.
17. Graphene, iron and silicon have been found in the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson VAXXines for children 6 months to 5 years old!
Figure 1 below reveals the cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetic toxic spectrum of the Pfizer “vaccine" nano particulates of reduced graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, chloride and calcium identified under an ESEM microscope coupled with an EDS x-ray microprobe. (X axis =KeV, Y axis = Counts)
Figure 2 below reveals the cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetic toxic spectrum of the Moderna "vaccine" nano particulates of reduced graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide, silicon, copper, titanium, selenium, potassium and cadmium, and lead identified under an ESEM microscope coupled with an EDS x-ray microprobe. (X axis =KeV, Y axis = Counts)
Dr. Robert - The Beatles -
Detailed reporting (second half of video) of new findings of blood clots of different sizes, nano and micro, along with nanowires, apparent parasites, symplasts and jagged shards and coils of graphene in the live blood of vaccinated children and adults taken from capillaries (which means the nano graphene in the COVID vaccines has spread everywhere through the body) revealing that all who have taken the vaccine are in great danger of harm of different kinds including paralysis, strokes, heart attacks, sudden death, unless they wake up and start detoxing at speed.
If you would like to view more blood and vaccine micrographs of the live unchanged and unstained capillary blood and my VAXXine Research please click on the following links below:
1. Pathological Blood Coagulation -
2. SEM and TEM Reveals Nondisclosed Ingredients in ALL VAXXinies -
3. Rothschild's Planned CONvid Plandemic -
4. Second Thoughts About Viruses, Vaccines and the Viral Theory -
5. Young, RO (2016) Pathological Blood Coagulation and the Mycotoxic Oxidative Stress Test (MOST). Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2(6): 00048. DOI: 10.15406/ijvv.2016.02.00048
With Great Love and Respect,
Robert O Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
Follow Dr. Robert O. Young on Twitter at:
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Before I begin this lengthy explanation, bear with me – it is your life we are talking about here and that you foolishly agreed to submit your body to the perversities of Science and Technology where your body has become the crash test dummy of/for advanced science, with no pleasant end in mind for any of you. This is your reward for volunteering. Never volunteer for anything!!
The synthetic mRNA vaccines are in fact 2 weapons built into the casing of one – the mRNA component which the DOD and probably DARPA want you to see and try to determine if it works at stopping Covid and the nanotechnology injected with the vaccines which “they” don’t want you to see,…
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See my free salt water cure. Omicron was never going to be anything worse than a bad head cold because it has too many spikes and it defeats itself - but for those masochists amongst you, who enjoy the suffering that these virus variants bring on - enjoy.
For those of you who don't, my free salt water cure is the only way to stop getting a colds or flu infection and without a colds or flu infection, you can't get Covid either.
Getting Covid is impossible - you have to catch a flu or colds infection with Covid in it, in the nasal passages of your head, for it later to become Covid in your body - about 3-4…
My take on the overall picture is that we have cities with slum areas covered with government high density housing blocks for workers who previously would have been the backbone of all industry, but those jobs have been taken away by computers and automation and there is no longer a place for “them” in this new world and it does not help that they are breeding like flies and putting ever greater strains on hospital, housing, transport, food, schooling, police, etc until the sheer numbers, will cause the collapse of "our" society – irrespective of which country, or where that is – so what is to be done?
The secret contracts that Trump signed, have written into them that Pfizer…
Well, speaking for myself - I am not American. I don't live in America or thankfully anywhere near America or your part of the world and whatever American's do to each other, does not impact on me one iota - but when it does, like these vaccines, for example, then I like to jump on the band wagon and have my say.
It does not matter, currently, who is the figurehead, whether that be Trump or Biden or anyone else, but for conveniences sake, Faucet for example. The problem is that "those behind the politicians", have elected themselves to make the decisions for all and this is never more evident that The Republican Party who started the vaccines drive and…