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  • Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

The Father of the PCR Test - Kary Mullis

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Kary Mullis PhD Nobelist in Chemistry 1993

Honor to any inconvenience:

Kary Mullis officially died of pneumonia in the middle of summer, on August 7th, 2019, at the age of 74. This American biochemist was the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), for which he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993. This brilliant scientist was the first to say that PCR technology could not be used for diagnostic purposes.

More serious in the eyes of the establishment:

This man of science had joined the camp of the "dissidents of AIDS" and had even signed the preface to the book by Peter H. Duesberg ("Inventing the AIDS Virus"), this Californian retrovirologist who has always asserted that HIV is innocent (does NOT cause}in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Like the author of this rant, the prefacer argued that evidence of viral guilt was impossible to find in the medical literature.

We Can Imagine it a Posteriori!

What is certain is that the father of the PCR test, Dr Kary Mullis Noblest would have been outraged that his work was diverted to create a “pandemic of cases” or in reality a "casedemic" of the false positive CoVid - 19 cases.

His fatal chill rather stinks of the decision to cool him preemptively before he could open his mouth and discredit the entire CoVid - 19 'scamdemic' and the 'bad actors' who are NOW directly responsible for the injuries and deaths of millions of souls around the World!

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Feb 19, 2022

Food grade ingredients:

Sodium bicarbonate (9 parts)

Calcium chloride (1 p)

Potassium bicarbonate (1 p)

Magnesium chloride (1 p)

NAC (1 p)

ALA (1 p)

MSM (1 p)

Mix them together and keep in a glass jar. The mix will have a pickled-cucumbers-in-brine smell like. You can take 2 to 4 grams in about 200ml water 2-3 times a week. Lemon or lime juice and a pinch of raw sea salt can be added. Or can be used as a daily basis in 500ml water from which we can drink over the day.

Feb 19, 2022
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Thank You…


Feb 18, 2022

Simple Affordable Preventives Curatives — For Natural Curative Elements of Healing & Perpetual Immune System Defense. —

* DMSO regrows dna…

AND — CDS — (MMS) … —With Flu, Covid (both with Graphene) and a myriad of other Transmittable Inoculations and otherwise, continually circulating… Other, of the most brilliant and malnamiousaly generous souls in the humane health and medicinal care, dignify us. Food Nutrition & Alkaline Ph can be augmented to fortify human immunity from Continual Chemical -Transmitted Shedding - Dis-ease. There is an ineffable shining upon, within, suffusing sustaining and embellishing all of us, Empowering Grace. “God Bless Us, Everyone” Tiny Tim


Ben Phillimore
Feb 18, 2022

According to internet sources, Kary Mullis died on 7th August 2019. Not the 4th as your article states. Would have been interesting had it been the 4th as it is the 6x6x6th day of the year.


Daniel Miner
Daniel Miner
Feb 18, 2022

Kary Mullis also won a Nobel Prize for discovering how to move genes from one species to another. He said he received the knowledge while high on LSD. In effect, what he did was dissimulate his mind and open it up to what we call the alien mind, or satan. What he did was to commit the great crime of adultery, mixing things which do not belong, as in the genetics, and also by adultering his mind. This is what is happening to many while on drugs of abuse, and even many prescription drugs like Prozac. Even Tamilfu dissimulates the mind. Japan outlawed Tamiflu because the youth taking it often committed suicide.

I should wonder if Kary also took some…


Feb 18, 2022

Thank you again Dr. Young for all you share to educate us!

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