We seem to be living in a world that is upside down where right is wrong and wrong is right. We are shocked when we hear and see good people prosecuted and bad people appear getting away with lying, stealing and even murder.
No Flu to Catch?
The CDC Flu statistics have disappeared completely and ended up being relabeled as coronavirus statistics. No matter how or why people have succumbed, the death certificates read coronavirus with physicians and scientists getting very concerned and angry.
FrontLine Physicians
Being upset to outraged, well-respected medical doctors, like the 'Frontline Physicians' held a National Press Conference in Washington D.C. earlier this year, sharing with the public that they had been prescribing hydroxychloroquine (HCA) and Ivermectin for the symptoms of CoV - 2 -19 with excellent patient results.
These 'frontline physician's' shared their successful clinical results with patients sick with high fever, dry cough, shallow breathing, difficult breathing, low energy, loss of taste, cold hands and cold feet, lightheadedness, muddled thinking, just to name a few of the CoV - 2 - 19 symptomologies.
'Frontline physician' patients with these symptoms were prescribed HCA and Ivermectin and were recovering in just a few days. Because these 'frontline doctors' shared the truth of their successful results with their patients using FDA approved drugs, they were punished rather than heralded as heroes by 'bad actors', the liberal elite, the medical mafia, big pharma and main-stream media. Many of these good doctors were hacked-off the Internet and some were even fired for following the Hippocratic Oath, "to do NO harm!"
Even pro-vaccine scientists have come to the aid of the public like Dr. Mike Yeadon who was with Pfizer for 20 years, as V.P. and Chief Scientist. Dr. Yeadon stated: "You do not vaccinate when there is no threat of disease." https://rense.com/general96/mike-yeadon.php
His Final Warning:
Dr. Yeadon is telling the world that CoVid -19 "is utter nonsense." There is "No virus" and even now people are still "walking around in masks outside in the summertime."
You can see in his video where Dr. Yeadon is beside himself. He admits to the World that the jab is for the depopulation of billions of people, as many of us have suggested who have researched this matter.
This depopulation agenda has been in the planning for many years and is the greatest hoax in human history!
The 'bad actors' and 'eugenicists' behind this plandemic knew they could rely on main-stream media and fact checkers to support their fraudulent narrative for the 'great reset' and depopulation agenda. The CoV - 2 -19 virus is just a smokescreen for the release of a more sinister plan to reduce the surplus population of "useless eaters" (a label used by former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger) with chemical and radiation poisoning delivered directly by pulsating EMF and intramuscular inoculation or the 'VAXX'.
I was having a discussion with Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder, Mission Possible World Health International on my reactions to what is going on and I told her that, "the blood NEVER lies.." Please read my article at the following link on what these jabs are doing to the blood, interstitial fluids and body cells at: https://ncrenegade.com/breaking-discovery-what-covid-injections-do-to-your-blood-doctor-releases-horrific-findings/
The reason I call these inoculations or injections, 'the Shot', 'the Jab' or 'the VAXX' is because the CoV - 2 - 19 injection does not scientifically qualify as a vaccine and therefore vaccine companies manufacturing the mRNA and Adenovirus so-called vaccines would not be protected under the Supreme Court 'no liability' exclusion for legal complaints of any injury or death of those who received the VAXX. Why? Because all these so-called vaccines are experimental and have NOT received the full approval of the FDA as a vaccine.
This is why the white insert or leaflet listing of these so-called vaccine ingredients are left blank. If you ask your doctor for the list of ingredients found on the leaflet contained in the box holding the vaccine vial you will see for yourself that the leaflet is blank! Informed consent before receiving any injection is YOUR human right. It is YOUR body, YOUR life and YOUR CHOICE!
Blank Inserts Found Inside the CoV - 19 Vaccine Boxes
The Delta Variant of CoV - 2 - 19
Now, let’s tackle the most deceitful part of this article which states that unvaccinated individuals become “variant factories”, breeding more dangerous mutations of the CoV - 2 - 19 virus, putting other people, including the vaccinated, at risk.
In previous articles, we have shown that the evidence for the existence of CoV - 2 - 19 is not only severely lacking but there is NO evidence from ANY University, Research Institute or Government Department of its existence!
[1] It has not been isolated and purified - https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/cdc-now-admits-no-gold-standard-for-the-isolation-for-any-virus
[2] It does not satisfy Koch’s or Rivers postulates, and
[3] It has not been rigorously imaged under an electron microscope!
The CDC Chief FOIA, Mr. Roger Andoh provided straightforward responses to each one of our requests, admitting in writing that they have NO RECORD of ANY KIND, for the following so-called phantom “viruses”, including CoV - 2 -19, HIV, HPV, XMRV, HTMV-1, HTMV-111/LV, Measles, Influenza, MERS, EBOLA, ZIKA, POLIO,:
[1] June 7, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “COV - 2 or 19 virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever:
[2] June 7, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “HPV virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever: (note: CDC made an error in their original response and later provided the corrected version below):
[3] June 7, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “Measles virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever! No Isolation, No Purification and No Identification for the Measles Virus!
[4] A Letter from the CDC Concerning the Childhood and Adult USA "Immunization Schedule"
[Note: there was a reference to “influenza” in this request, but it doesn't affect our request in any way because it was in the context of our example of the record we were looking to validate that the CDC does not have ANY record or research or findings for ANY so-called virus that is responsible for ANY sickness or disease - EVER!
[5] June 10, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “MERS virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever:
[6] CDC June 11 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “POLIO virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:
[7] March 15, 2021 CDC FOIA response: no records of any “Ebola virus” isolation or purification from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:
[8] March 19, 2021, U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) admit they have no record of any “Zika virus” isolated or purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:
[9] March 23, 2021 CDC admitted in a FOIA response that they have no record of any “HIV virus”, "Hepatitis viruis", "STD virus", and "TB bacillus bacterium" purified isolate from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, ever.
[10] April 7th, 2021, the CDC states that they have no record of “XMRV virus” purification or isolation from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:
[11] April 7th, 2021 the CDC states that they have no record of “HTLV-1 virus” purification or isolation from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:
[12] April 7th, 2021, the CDC states that they have no record of “HTLV-III/LAV virus” purification or isolation from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:
[13] April 12, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “influenza virus” isolated or purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:
[Note: there was a reference to “influenza” in this request, but it doesn't affect our request in any way because it was in the context of our example of the record we were looking to validate that the CDC does not have ANY record or research or findings for ANY so-called virus that is responsible for ANY sickness or disease - EVER!
If no one any where at any time in the World has isolated and proven the existence of any such novel coronavirus or for any virus as a unique pathogen, how on earth can any pharmaceutical company provide a treatment with a vaccine for a virus that does NOT even exist?
Is the virus or pathogen a mythical 'FAIRY TALE' virus that needs a mythical (but expensive and poisonous!) vaccine to destroy it?
Or is this phantom virus the creation of 'bad actors' and 'luciferians' for the purpose of redistributing the wealth of the world to themselves and at the same time reduce the surplus population of so-called 'useless eaters'?
As Voltaire once warned us:
“Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
As stated quite clearly by Chief Officer Mr. Roger Andoh in his CDC FOIA letters:
“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019 - nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019 - nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”
As Rappaport has stated,
“Since that is the case, that there are no quantified virus isolates, how can one be sure of what is being determined as CoV - 2 or - 19 is, in fact, COVID -19?”
What are these So-Called Variants? The microzyma (discovered in the late 1900's by Dr. Antione BeChamp, a French Physician and Scientist) or what Dr. BeChamp referred to as a 'small intelligent being' that makes up all organized plant, animal and human matter. The microzyma is the only thing that is living and can alter or change its form and its function based upon conditions of the internal fluid environment.
The alpha, beta and now delta and soon the Omega variant or 'The End' variant narrative, all of which are endogenously created out of our own body cells and are nothing more than microzymian alteration or pleomorphic changing body cells due to a toxic acidic vascular and/or interstitial fluid environment.
The delta variant is an 'outfection' of cellular degeneration or plemorphism and a 'smoke-screen' to cover up the real causes for pathological blood coagulation, DIC, hypoxia and then death by suffocation from radiation and chemical poisoning of the body fluids leading to the symptoms of CoV - 2 - 19!
As Andrew Kaufman MD, explains in an excellent presentation [https://odysee.com/@TheTruthSeeker:f/Dr.-Andrew-Kaufman---The-Delta-Variant-HOAX-Exposed:b?], “variants” are “discovered” when computer programs conjure up similar genome sequences to the original Sars-CoV - 2 - 19 sequence. In other words, a “variant” is simply the inability to reproduce the original Sars-CoV - 2 - 19 sequence that was published by Chinese researchers in Wuhan.
The original viral sequence did not come from a purified isolated virus!
Instead, it came from a patient's own pleomorphic blood and/or body cells containing countless other sources of anatomical intelligent microzymian matter, including microzymian organized gene fragments.
In science, replication is an important qualifying step in the scientific method - if something cannot be reproduced, it cannot be deemed true. Virologists, by discovering variants, have essentially disproved their own science by showing that the original viral or microzymian sequence cannot be reproduced. Why? Because microzymian matter cannot be created nor can it be destroyed - it can only organize or disorganize and alter its form and function. The 'VAXX' accelerates that disorganization of once healthy blood and/or body cells to sick and dis-eased blood and/or body cells expressing the 'Corona Effect'.
Dr. Kaufman validates my research when he states, “The differences between these variants is very very small, and this is all 100% artificial and imaginary. What essentially happened is they tried to reproduce the genome sequence and they were unable to get the same results!”
Lies, Lies and More Lies
Dr. Kaufman goes on to state that:
“These variants have not been actually studied with clinical correlation. So in other words, they didn’t follow a group of 100 people or 1000 people with this particular variant that they could reliably detect and then follow their clinical outcome […] “So most of the information about what they tell us that a variant is more transmissible, or more severe or less severe or anything like that are based on computer simulations and are purely theoretical.”
The following graph shows the sequences that have been submitted to GISAID – a global science initiative that provides open access to genomic data of the Sars-Cov - 2 - 19 phantom coronavirus. Each dot represents a different Sars-Cov - 2 - 19 sequence and therefore a different “variant”. There are over 40,000 variants in total.
The truth is that the genomic data is showing microzymian data and the ability for the microzymian to alter its organization based upon the terrain in which it resides.
Another validation that the only thing in life that is constant is change and the solution to the pollution is to manage the alkaline design of the body fluids with an alkaline lifestyle and diet.
[The genetic sequences shown above have been submitted to GISAID – a global science initiative that provides open access to genomic data of the Sars-Cov - 2 coronavirus. Each dot represents a different Sars-CoV - 2 - 19 sequence and therefore a different “variant”. There are over 40,000 in total.]
The Real Causes for CoV - 2 - 19
It has been scientifically proven that healthy alkalizing lifestyle choices have saved humanity:
• clean-running water (sewer systems, indoor plumbing, toilets, sinks, showers)
• sanitation (garbage collection, modern building codes),
• hygiene (soap, paper towels),-electricity (indoor heating, refrigeration),
• and alkalizing food and nutrition that have saved humanity!
The unvaccinated and the vaccinated are subject to radiation and chemical poisoning from radio, microwave and gamma waves (EMF), food, water, air, thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
It is critical to understand that the germs of the air can only be a contributing factor but cannot and do not cause any specific dis-ease.
Vaccination is a business based on F.E.A.R
Dr. Gerhard Buchwald, MD
False Evidence Appearing Real!
Ingredients in the VAXX
INGREDIENT #1: CELLS FROM ABORTED FETUS Aborted fetal cells, listed on vaccine package inserts as “Human Fetal Diploid Cells.” Terms to Investigate: PERC6, MRC5, WI-38, HEK-293,
Which Vaccines? Adenovirus vaccine, DTaP vaccine, Hep A vaccine, Hep B vaccine, MMR vaccine, Rabies vaccine, Varicella (Chickenpox), CoV - 19 vaccines
INGREDIENT #2: SERUM FROM ABORTED CALF FETUS BLOOD One of the more grotesque methods involved in vaccine manufacturing is the collection of fetal bovine serum. The purpose for serum is providing a nutrient broth for viruses to grow in cells. Terms to Investigate: Fetal Bovine Serum
Which Vaccines? Adenovirus vaccine, MMR vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine, Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine, CoV - 19 vaccines
INGREDIENT #3: CELLS FROM ARMYWORMS The FDA approved the Flublok vaccine on January 16, 2013. Derived from cells of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda. The vaccine package insert for Flublok also mentions: “Each 0.5mL dose of Flublok may also contain residual amounts of baculovirus and host cell proteins (≤ 28.5 mcg), baculovirus and cellular DNA (≤ 10 ng) …” [2] Terms to Investigate: insect cell line (expresSF+)
Which Vaccines? Influenza vaccine
INGREDIENT #4: CELLS FROM MONKEY KIDNEYS Monkey kidney tissue is used to support the growth of certain viruses used in vaccine production. There remains a huge controversy over using these cells and their role contaminating the polio vaccine in the 1950s. Terms to Investigate: Vero (monkey kidney) cell culture, SV40, Bernice Eddy
Which Vaccines? DTaP vaccine, Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, Polio vaccine, Rotavirus vaccine, Vaccinia vaccine, CoV - 19 vaccines
INGREDIENT #5: CELLS FROM DOG KIDNEYS On November 20, 2012, the FDA approved the seasonal influenza vaccine, Flucelvax, manufactured by Novartis. This vaccine is mass-produced using the continuous cell line Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) as vaccine cell substrate. Terms to Investigate: Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK)
Which Vaccines? Influenza vaccine
INGREDIENT #6: MOUSE BRAIN Viral vaccines prepared in tissue culture or mouse brain have been used in many Asian countries. According to the CDC website, the inactivated mouse brain-derived JE vaccine used in the United States since 1992 is no longer available. Terms to Investigate: inactivated mouse brain (IMB), suckling mouse brain (SMB), JE virus (Beijing-1), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
Which Vaccines? Japanese encephalitis vaccine, Rabies vaccine
INGREDIENT #7: Graphene oxide[GO] toxicity is associated with physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signaling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways. Many experiments have shown that graphene (oxide) nanomaterials have toxic side effects in many biological applications. According to the USA FDA, graphene, graphene oxide, and reduced graphene oxide elicit toxic effects both in vitro and in vivo.[Graphene-based nanomaterials: biological and medical applications and toxicity - Click of the picture below]
Scientific Evidence that ALL CoV - 2 -19 VAXX Contain GO!
Please watch the following video presentation by the research team, La Quinta Columna who have made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.
According to Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra of the University Almeria, Madrid, Spain discovered and the published in research paper, "Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension, Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy" that all CoV - 19 vaccines tested contained less than 0.2 percent of mRNA and 99.99310 percent of graphene oxide nanoparticles! ["Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Solutions"
https://www.globalresearch.ca/graphene-oxide-detection-aqueous-suspension/5749529. Global Research, July 08, 2021]
Please click on the following link to learn more about GO and its cytotoxic and genotoxic effects:
[The CoV vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles as seen in the mircographs above. Please refer to: https://www.orwell.city/2021/06/covid-19-is-caused-by-graphene-oxide.html]
At the risk of splitting hairs, it seems to me that Pasteur's "le terrain est tout" is an acknowledgement that the germ depends on a weakened environment. The issue is the treatment. Following the "terrain theory" is, for all intents and purposes, homeopathy or naturopathy, not "Western medicine" now marketed as "traditional medicine" This could be expanded to include herbal, Ayurvedic, and Chinese style medical treatments.
Left out of your article is the work of Dr. Gaston Naessons with his somatoscope visualizing pleomorphic cells he calls somatids. We are "electric" beings, and Naessons theories include these pleomorphic cells being affected by electric fields. This link is an overview of his work which was not restricted to cancer: https://cancer-cures-plus.com/persecuted-heroes/dr-gaston-naessens/
At the…
Thank you! I believe you are right about inner balance. I discovered that- when people you love dont want to listen - it is due to an effort to maintain inner balance.
Uncomfortable new information create ‘cognitive dissonance’ within. The more dissonance created, the harder it is to listen. Beliefs like ‘I live in a democracy‘ or ‘I am well educated’ or ‘I am treated with respect’ make you feel good about yourself. If you learn that the world government try to kill you, this creates inner dissonance - and something within ( call ‘the ego’) will fight for its balance and its way of understanding the world:
1: You will either not listen to the information or 2: yo…
Yep, steal, kill and destroy, that is Satan's plan. John 10:6-10
Jesus told this simple story, but they had no idea what he was talking about. So he tried again. “I’ll be explicit, then. I am the Gate for the sheep. All those others are up to no good—sheep rustlers, every one of them. But the sheep didn’t listen to them. I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—will freely go in and out, and find pasture. A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.
Thank you Doctor. When we abide in His Word, we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free.