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  • Writer's pictureRobert O Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

Does The Vaccine Batch Matter? YOU DECIDE!  It's YOUR Body, YOUR Life & Should Be YOUR Choice!

Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Super Toxic So-Called Vaccine Batches and Excessive Variability Found in Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen Vaccines by Data Analysis of CDC VAERS | Find Out How Toxic Your BioWeapon Batch Injection Is

by Ramola D - Robert O. Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner

One-hundred percent of all CoVid - 19 Injuries and Deaths Were Caused by Five Percent of the So-Called CoVid - 19 Vaccines!

Close analysis done by a UK doctoral student, Craig Paardekooper–and later confirmed and highlighted by a team of international scientists, researchers, data statisticians, Team Enigma–of the numbers of deaths and adverse effects from the COVID vaccines as recorded at the CDC VAERS database in conjunction with so-called vaccine batch numbers associated with the reports has yielded stunning and massively revealing information about the variations in toxicity between the so-called CoV-19 vaccine batches.

Statistical analysis of the data has also yielded an understanding of how these batches are being deployed, what is possibly being studied, and what the intention of the vaccines seems to be–which electron microscope/optical microscope/spectroscopy and patent/EUA application analysis as well as DARPA connections have previously pointed to.

One outstanding finding–of 1000% variation in toxicity between batches of the so-called vaccines now considered bioweapons–points to inconsistency, a FDA GMP violation, and grounds for legal nullification of the EUAs granted by the FDA to the vaccine manufacturers, reports Team Enigma.

OVERVIEW: Vaccine Manufacturers Well Aware of High Toxicity of Specific Batches

Analyses in October, November, and December 2021 of this VAERS data to date have yielded the following:

1) 70-80% of the batches have been found to be harmless or relatively harmless–with one or two adverse reaction reports associated.

2) 1 in 200 or 0.5% of the batches have been found to be extremely toxic and lethal. Each of these batches produced a consistently high number–1000 to 5000 times the base rate of 1–of adverse reaction reports, hospitalizations, and deaths across every US state. “So there is a 1 in 200 chance when you take your vaccine that you get a toxic batch.” (That’s a 1 in 200 chance of death or disability.) VARIATION IN TOXICITY OF COVID VACCINE BATCHES/BITCHUTE/Craig Paardekooper

3) 1 in 20 (5%) of the batches accounted for 90% of the adverse reactions and deaths. This means 5% of the batches have caused nearly 100% of the harm from the vaccines recorded.

4) The extremely toxic batches could either have added toxic ingredients or a higher concentration of toxic ingredients–what Dr. Michael Yeadon a Pfizer scientist and whistleblower calls “drug substance”–which are proving fatal or seriously harmful to the human body. Which might suggest Pharma is assessing the LD50 or Lethal Dose–at cost to thousands losing their lives. (See the text below the Variation in Toxicity video.)

5) Across time, a pattern of high toxicity cutting back to moderate toxicity and rising again to higher toxicity seems to indicate Pharma has been assessing the maximum load of toxicity–via nanographene–the human body can take. DIFFERENT DOSAGES AT DIFFERENT TIMES/PDF/Craig Paardekooper

6) A system of batch numbering has been identified which includes a system of toxicity identification, in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The latter employs letters of the alphabet and numbers for toxicity identification.

7) Rising letters of the alphabet indicate a higher level of toxicity. Some letters have similar levels of toxicity. MODERNA USED THE ALPHABET TO LABEL DIFFERENT TOXICITIES OF VACCINE/Bitchute/Craig Paardekooper

8) Certain batches have been identified with the most extreme levels of toxicity–highest numbers of deaths and severe adverse reactions.

9) The most extremely toxic batches have been deceptively split into subgroups or misspelled, seemingly to conceal the high toxicity associated with these batches, and also suggesting initial analyses of toxicity may be inadequate; further analysis is needed.

10) All this indicates Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen understood the toxicity levels in each batch and assigned different letters to different batches at varying toxicity levels. “Batches of different toxicities have been assigned to different letters of the alphabet, and toxicity decreases in steps as the alphabet ascends.”– Moderna Vaccine Batches and Toxicity–a full analysis.pdf/Craig Paardelooper

11) Temporal analysis of the data also suggests that Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) were acting in relay with each other, with highly-toxic batches being interspersed with harmless batches and Janssen opening the toxic unleashing (1-2000 adverse events) followed by Moderna randomly unleashing batches of similar toxicity and Pfizer taking over to systematically unleash ranges of highly toxic batches of varying toxicity (2-5000 severe adverse events) in step-down patterns which suggest lethality-experimentation. —Moderna and Pfizer working in Relay.pdf/Craig Paardekooper; Medical Experimentation on the American Public.pdf/Craig Paardekooper; Pfizer: Systematic Deployment in the USA.pdf/Craig Paardekooper

Images: Screenshots, PFIZER BATCH CODES AND TOXICITY LEVELS.PDF/Craig Paardekooper

12) Analysis of state death and adverse event data in VAERS in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Nebraska shows that highly toxic Moderna batches were deployed there, one batch used in these states even after being recalled in California post the deaths of hundreds of health care workers.

13) Death by stroke and brain blood clots can occur six months or later after the vaccine in the toxic-batch curve. See this video, on the lethality of the Pfizer batch EJ6796 which led to the deaths of Prof Sha Garner’s father and stepmother in Switzerland, 6 months after vaccine, where she shows the listings of toxic batches from VAERS, and discusses how this batch was distributed in local Swiss cantons:

You can find out if your injection is from a highly toxic batch using an app now hosted at Daily Expose UK or checking the batch numbers in published spreadsheets at the following website:

Check out your batch code (lot number)

Moderna has apparently deployed 12, 800 batches, Craig Paardekooper reports, according to VAERS.

Also see:

The J, K, L, M batches were found to be excessively toxic in Texas, showing 10 times the level of death, disability, and adverse reactions than the D, E, F, H batches.

Pfizer has deployed 9500 batches in the US. The toxic batches are in specific series in different lettered ranges, and their clear mathematical sequencing suggests this was done completely intentionally and consciously, with experimentation intent as indicated by the clear numbering and labeling, reports Craig Paardekooper.

The highly toxic batches have been found to be EN6, ER87, EL, EW, and at a slightly lower level of toxicity the F series.

Further analysis on the Pfizer batches reveals intentionality:

“Pfizer deployed about 9500 batches to the USA.

– In the first cluster, we have 12 highly toxic batches all appearing in close temporal proximity – and all within a defined range of 2000 to 3000 x base toxicity.

– In the second cluster, we have 3 highly toxic batches appearing in close temporal proximity, and within the range of 2000-2500 x base toxicity.

– In the third cluster, we have 27 highly toxic batches all appearing in close temporal proximity – and all within the defined range of 1000-2000 x base toxicity.

– In the third cluster, we have 21 highly toxic batches all appearing in close temporal proximity – all within the defined range of 100-1500 x base toxicity.

– If the production of toxic batches was an accident, we would expect their temporal appearance to be random and more scattered.

The production of large numbers of toxic batches in close temporal proximity to one another shows that such “accidents” are repeated dozens of times, sequentially!

– In addition to this, these clusters of toxic batches are separated by clear periods of harmless batches – then the sudden appearance of another cluster.

– The toxic batches are also clustered into a narrow range of toxicity, rather than having a random spread of toxicity – which is odd if these batches were accidents.

– Finally, the toxicity of these clusters decreases in steps, linearly over time – again, not what we would expect from the accidental production of toxic batches. – These batches may be Hot Lots by design.”

Vital analysis and crucial questions for all to consider on the ethicality of vaccine mandates in light of intentionally toxic testing and high numbers of vaccine deaths and SAEs (Severe Adverse Events) are raised in this analysis by Craig below:

High and Excessive Variability Between Different Batches of the COVID Vaccine Signals Death to the EUA from the FDA–And They Know It

The most extraordinary find of the data statisticians and pharma analysts banding together under Team Enigma and examining Craig Paardekooper’s work as well as the raw VAERS data themselves, comparing COVID vaccine data to previous years’ flu vaccine data seems to be that there is immense variation–1000%–between batches of the different COVID vaccines, which means, they say, the vaccine is not consistent across lots, it cannot be considered consistently “Safe and Effective” as Fauci/Gupta/Walensky/Murthy like to mutter into microphones everyday if it is not consistent, and is actually, under FDA regulations and following of Good Manufacturing Practice, considered adulterated, and subject to legal penalties.

This is a must-watch-and-share video (link below), some critical screenshots here:

From Team Enigma:

“Scientists compared variability between Flu vaccine lots with variability between Covid vaccine lots, and were shocked to find EXCESSIVE and HIGHLY UNUSUAL degree of variation between different lots of the Covid vaccines. When 22,000 flu vaccine lots were examined, almost all of them produced 5 or fewer severe adverse reactions per lot. Only 2 lots exceeded this (22 SAEs and 37 SAEs) When the same number of Covid vaccines were compared, there was found to be huge variation – with many lots producing 5 or fewer severe adverse reactions , but many others producing 1000-5000 severe adverse reactions. So the coefficient of variation for Covid vaccines is 1000% – compared to the coefficient of variation for flu vaccines (which is 99%) In other words, Covid vaccines vary 10 times more than flu vaccines. Under FDA regulations, such high variation between different lots and between different manufacturers means the drugs are ADULTERATED, and carries significant legal penalties. Such variation may also negate EUA authorisation – which is only granted based on consistency of the product. Other information regarding vaccination safety and lot numbers: Moderna Used the Alphabet to Label Different Toxicities of Vaccine PATTERNS IN THE DEPLOYMENT OF TOXIC COVID VACCINE BATCHES All this analysis is from Craig Paardekooper . He has done some amazing analysis and should be credited, this is his channel .
THANK YOU CRAIG FOR SHINING LIGHT ON THIS TOPIC!” Covid Vax VAriability Between Lots/Team Enigma

Dr. Michael Yeadon on the Different Safety Profiles for Different Lots: “Completely Without Precedent”

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientist and Vice-President at Pfizer says the extreme variation across batches is incomprehensible and points to a need to immediately put a moratorium on the vaccines.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Chief Scientist and Vice President at Pfizer
“At some point in manufacturing, someone or some entity actively modified what was being filled into vials, and it was this which resulted in extreme skew of clinical safety profile. There has been so much truly awful behaviour of “elites” that I’m simply not willing (as I would have historically) to dismiss the possibility that this has been done on purpose. What I do know, and this is a test of whether there’s the slightest sign of integrity from these companies as well as the regulatory agencies, is that all use of the affected produce must immediately cease, all batches of drug substance & lots of drug product should cease. The materials should be recalled to a place of stable storage & an intense analytical investigation initiated. Unless factors are found which adequately explain the huge differences in clinical adverse event profiles, administration to humans must not restart. If the manufacturers do not exhibit sufficient control of drug product, the authorisation they hold from various regulatory authorities are utterly voided. Just when you thought this debacle couldn’t possibly get any worse, it gets much worse. Expect to hear more about this. Meanwhile, who in their right mind would roll up their sleeve?” –Dr Mike Yeadon – “The findings that 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths have been caused by just 5% of the batches produced are unprecedented” By The Exposé on November 1, 2021

Vaccine Mandates Become Invalid and Criminal When Vaccines Cannot be Proven to be Consistently Safe and Effective

Those facing vaccine mandates anywhere in the world today should be able to take Craig Paardekooper’s and Team Enigma’s scientific findings to their employer or government to inform them of their liability in face of lethal investigational drugs which have now been proved to be extremely toxic in batches: when neither manufacturer, employer, nor mandating government body can guarantee “safety and effectiveness” but only random-SAE, random-death and Russian Roulette batch-administration, what right do any of these have to demand everyone get vaccinated?

  • Is it possible to determine Batch Number before the non-vaccines are injected into your arm or your child’s arm?

  • Why should you or your child be subjected to this outrageous life-and-death game of You may die, You may not based on secret Batch Number?

  • Can your employer or your government guarantee you or your child will not be injected with a Super Toxic Batch?

  • What IS COVID anyway: A virus-for-a-drill, a virus-never-proved-to-exist, a cover for 4G-and-5G-radiation-sickness, a complete fabrication for the bringing in of billionaire-run-fascism using stealth nanotech in gene-based non-vaccines which also promise genetic engineering?

These are questions for everyone in the world to reflect on seriously today, as totalitarianism and transhumanism seek to ride in on the backs of medical stricture and fabricated pandemics: Make 2022 the year to stand up to deceiving tyranny, reclaim your sovereignty, find your mind, and speak your mind.



Dr Mike Yeadon – “The findings that 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths have been caused by just 5% of the batches produced are unprecedented” By The Exposé on November 1, 2021

How bad is my Covid-19 Vaccine Batch? – Find out now/ By The Exposé on December 16, 2021


Robert O Young CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD, ND Naturopathic Practitioner

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