"The Validation That Germs DO NOT Cause Disease but Are The Symptoms of Cellular Breakdown Due to Chemical and Radiation Poisoning!" Dr. Robert O. Young
In 1994, Dr. Robert O. Young documented the theory of pleomorphism from the blood of a Type 1 diabetic taking over 100 units of insulin daily. Her die-it composed of 10 to 12 cups of coffee and fast food.
Below is the micrograph of her live blood under pHase contrast microscopy. Just click on the picture below or the link under the micrograph to watch a red blood cell transform into a rod bacteria, like anthrax, and then biologically transform back into a targeted red blood cell.
In 1996, Dr. Robert O. Young documented the theory of pleomorphism again from a 42 year old male diagnosed with EBV - chronic fatigue living a highly acidic life.
Below are the micrographs of his live blood under phase contrast microscopy showing the birth of bacteria from a red blood cell and then giving birth to a Y-form yeast, like candida albicans. Just click on the picture below to watch the video.