Life and Death is all about managing and maintaining the delicate alkaline pH environment of the blood plasma, (pH 7.365, ORP -20mV) the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium (pH 8.40, ORP -80mV) and the intracellular fluids of the body cells. (pH 7.40, ORP -25mV)
[The first micrograph shows a lactic acid crystal in the live blood.. The second micrograph shows a citric acid crystal in the live blood]
You can manage and support all of the body fluids with what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think and what you believe. Yes, even your thoughts and beliefs produce metabolic acidic waste products that can make you sick and tired. Your thoughts and beliefs do become biology and do affect the pH of all body fluids.
Today, medical science teaches that the body regulates the pH of the body fluids automatically and factors such as what you eat, drink, breathe, think or believe have no bearing or influence on the biochemistry of the body fluids. In other words, your lifestyle has NO influence on the chemistry, including the pH of the blood, interstitial fluids or the fluids inside the cells or intracellular fluids!
This thinking should and does not make common sense since we do know scientifically that uric acid from eating animal protein causes gout, lactic acid from metabolism and from dairy products causes inflammation and cancer, acetaldehyde and alcohol causes breast cancer, diabetes, and pancreatic and liver diseases, including cancer and the acidic pesticide DDT and glyphosate (the main chemical in the pesticide Round-up) causes birth defects, dementia, polio, measles, MS, Zika and YES cancer.
The good news is a medical research group in America just announced last year that they had discovered a new organ in the human body called the Interstitium. Researchers are claiming that this organ is not only the largest organ of the human body but it contains compartments that hold metabolic, dietary, respiratory and environment acidic waste. This acidic waste in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium is held in these compartments until they can be eliminated via urination, defecation, perspiration, menstruation and respiration. This new anatomical, functional and physiological discovery changes the false belief by the current medical establishment.
Click here to watch the video on the Interstitial fluids of the Interstitium:
With new medical technology we can now test the chemistry, including the pH of ALL the body fluids which proves that the Interstitium, I call the third kidney, is holding predominately the majority of all acidic waste in these holding compartments. This is done by the body in order to maintain and protect the delicate pH balance of the blood plasma and keep you alive.
Just testing the chemistry or parameters of the blood plasma can and many times will give medical doctors a false positive or false negative.
Because all the the normal or negative factors happening in the body can only be revealed by testing the fluids of the Interstitium where all the acidic toxins are being stored, until eliminated through the 5 channels of elimination.
When medical doctors make false statements that what you eat, drink, breathe or think does not effect the chemistry of the body fluids, they do not realize that the pH of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium are being compromised every day by ALL of these factors.
It is so critical that YOU share this new medical science with everyone you love and care about. Testing the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium will save lives and prevent serious health challenges down the road. It will provide YOU the certainty that your heath practitioner needs to advise YOU correctly on your current health and fitness condition.
Measuring and understanding the chemistry of the Interstitium will reveal whether or not your current health and fitness plan is effective and healthful. This would include your nutritional protocol, exercise, or even the legend drugs you maybe taking! No more guessing or diagnosing a health condition based upon symptoms or beliefs or even your doctors beliefs.
Quantifying the interstitial fluid chemistry is the KEY to understanding YOUR REAL current health and fitness condition!
The picture below is a diagram of the breakdown of body fluids (Figure 1) and a cross-section of the largest organ of the human body – The Interstitium (Figure 2). Keep in mind if you ask your doctor about the Interstitium his/her eyes will glaze over because most medical doctors know absolutely nothing about this organ! In fact, medical science just recognized this organ in 2018 – a organ I have been studying for over 35 years!
Structural Evaluation of the Interstitial Fluid Spaces of the Largest Organ of the Human Body Called the Interstitium
I Want To Know More!
To learn more about the Interstitium and the chemistry of the blood, interstitial fluids and the Intracellular fluids read my peer-reviewed research, “Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Treatment of Any Cancerous Condition.”
On February 9th, 2019, ACTA Scientific Cancer Biology, a peer-reviewed journal, published my article on the cause, treatment and reversal of Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer! The title of my article is:
“Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma Lung Cancer both Metabolic and Dietary Acidic Conditions.”
The following is the abstract for this article:
Cystic fibrosis (CF) [1,2] and Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (PAC) [3] have similar symptomologies and are chronic, progressive, and frequently fatal acidic conditions of the respiratory system (lungs), lymphatic system (lymph nodes), intestines, pancreas, urinary tract system, reproductive organs and the skin as the alkaloid glands (the salivary glands, stomach, and small and large intestines) produce and secrete alkaline compounds, such as sodium bicarbonate to buffer and preserve the alkaline design of the body and the specific organs and glands affected. These metabolic and dietary acidic conditions resulting in the build-up of mucous [3] can affect any organ or organ system but primarily affects the respiratory, lymphatic system, digestive, and reproductive tracts in children and young adults with CF and the lungs and surrounding lymph nodes in PAC. I have suggested from my own clinical research that both of these conditions are the result of latent tissue acidosis (LTA) in the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium or the fluids that surround every cell, created from metabolism, diet, thoughts and environment and may be successfully treated and reversed with an alkaline lifestyle and diet (ALD) [4].
The Answer to My Question to YOU!
Now, in answer to my question to YOU, “How long do YOU want to LIVE,” I have included a picture of a 400 year old Bonsai Tree to give you a glimpse of the possibilities for increasing your longevity by actively managing and measuring the chemistry of YOUR body fluids, especially the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium.
Dr. Alexis Carrel received the Nobel prize in medicine in 1911 for discovering the longevity of the human cell. What did he find?
That he could keep body cells alive forever if he would simply change-out the acidic fluids that surround the cells every 24 to 48 hours. His experiment was with a chicken heart that he kept alive for over 20 years by changing-out the interstitial fluids each day. The chicken heart only died after he stopped managing the interstitial fluids of the heart.
Dr. Robert O. Young 2024
You must be protected just like Dr. Alex Carrel’s chicken heart or the 400 year old Bonsai tree above that was protected by a concrete walled nursery from the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan.
I am suggesting in my work, research and findings that the KEY to a healthy and long life, can be found in the interstitial fluids of the Interstiitum – the environment that bathes every cell of the human body determines how long a cell will live to even the DNA expression and ultimately determines how long YOU will live! Genes DO NOT determine YOUR Destiny! The interstitial fluids of the Interstitium determines YOUR destiny!
[The blue and dark blue areas represent the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium that determine the expression of the DNA.
Life is a Choice Just as Death is a Choice
You choose it every day with what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, what you think and what you believe. So Choose Wisely!
Finally, remember that ALL cells of the human body are only as healthy as their environment or the interstitial fluids of the Interstitium, in which they reside and live!
To learn more about Dr. Young’s 40 plus years of published peer-reviewed research you can go to his personal website at: or you can email Dr. Young at:
To learn more about non-invasive blood plasma, interstitial fluids and intracellular fluids test for chemistry, including pH please go:
Dr. Robert O. Young and Dr. Galina Migalko presented their peer-reviewed research at the Global Summit on Oncology and Cancer in London, England on March 18th and 19th declaring to the World the natural cure to any cancerous condition!